
一、計畫期程:2022/10/14(五)起至12/23(三)止,每周五上午9:30-11:30 [註:11/25(五)場次調整為11/22(二)舉行]
三、參加對象:40名大學教師 (含10名諮詢導師、30名教學演示教師)
四、報名連結:https://reurl.cc/0XlylA (11/18、11/22「教學演示」尚有名額,歡迎報名參加)

五、國際語言專家:Eniko Csomay, Professor, Dept. of Linguistics & Asian/ Middle Eastern Languages, San Diego State University (SDSU)

I. Dates: 9:30-11:30 AM, Fridays from October 14 to December 23, 2022 
II. Orientation: 9:30-11:30 AM, Friday, October 14
III. Participant: 40 University faculty members (10 seed instructors for peer mentoring and 30 microteaching presenters)
IV. Enrollment: Tuesday, September 27- Friday, October 7, 2022 (https://reurl.cc/0XlylA
V. Specialist: Eniko Csomay, Professor, Dept. of Linguistics & Asian/ Middle Eastern Languages, San Diego State University (SDSU)
VI. Implementation: 
1.Enrollment qualification:
 (1)Seed instructors for peer mentoring
    i.Applicants are required to attend the two sessions of senior-level workshops held by NSYSU.
    ii.Applicants who have conducted a 15-minute microteaching or 1-period (about 50 mins) classroom observation (being observed) are prioritized.
    i.Priority is given to NSYSU faculty and teachers of regional partner universities.
    ii.Vacancies will be open to teachers of other schools if there is any. 
2.Project arrangement:
 (1)An orientation will be held to account for the implementation of the Project and the usage of the classroom observation form template.
 (2)Presenters of microteaching are required to provide a lesson plan at least a week prior to his/her presentation. If the demonstration is presented via a pre-recorded video, please make sure the recording of visual and audio effects is of high quality to facilitate the audience’s observation. 
 (3)Each teacher will demonstrate a 15-minute micro-teaching and a seed instructor will provide his/ her feedback for about 15 mins. The Specialist will serve as an observer and consultant to offer suggestions and guidance to both the seed instructors and presenters for about 30 mins.