【區域中心】歡迎報名 Certificate in EMI Skills 線上課程

本校南區雙語教育區域資源中心為協助區域內教師建立完整且紮實的全英語授課技巧,將全額補助區域內教師參加英國劍橋大學語言測評考試院Certificate in EMI Skills 線上課程

1. 課程簡介:8個模組,每模組5小時,共計40小時

2. 課程費用:£125(約新台5,000元)

3. 上課方式:教師自行線上自學,本區域中心將定期檢視並協助學員學員掌握上課進度

4. 報名事宜:報名參加此課程之教師,請同時填具線上報名表、繳交保證金3000元整,並須於111年5月2日前完成線上課程,取得電子版修業證明書後,再以證明書向本中心申請退還保證金

5. 繳交保證金方式將另行通知

報名連結: https://reurl.cc/pxGDR4

-Course introduction: 8 modules (approximately 5 hours for each module and 40 hours in total for the whole course) -Method: You need to sign up by Jan. 6, 2022. Once the enrollment is approved, you will be asked to pay for a deposit of NT$3000. You then take the course online, and we will help check up your progress regularly and send you monthly reports anonymously as a reminder. The full deposit will be returned upon your course completion by May 2, 2022 and after the e-certificate is awarded. -Once the participant list is drawn up, more information about how to pay the deposit will be sent.