May 29 Teacher Community Event

Dear Teachers,
Professor Po-kai Chuang from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Professor Chiung-yuan Ko from the School of Medicine at National Sun Yat-sen University are hosting a teacher community discussion meeting between 14:00 and 16:00 on Wednesday, May 29. We sincerely welcome all the teachers who are interested in the topics to sign up and participate.

Time: 14:00-16:00, Wednesday, 05/29/2024
Location: Room 9002, 9th Floor, Info-Library Building, National Sun Yat-sen University (No. 70, Lienhai Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City 804)
Speaker: Professor Tzu-Jen Kao, Ph.D. Program in Neuroscience, Taipei Medical University
Topic: User Experience (UX) - Reflecting on Students' Acceptance and Effectiveness of EMI
Registration link:
Contact: Dr. Chiung-Yuan Ko, Associate Professor, School of Medicine, National Sun Yat-sen University
Email:; Phone: 07-5252000 #7318