Now Enrolling: Jun. 24 EMI Teacher Community Events by NSYSU and FCU

Dear Teachers,

National Sun Yat-sen University and Feng Chia University are collaborating to organize the "EMI Teacher Community Events" to assist you in building a peer support and exchange network on your journey of EMI and teaching transformation. Participants will receive teacher community certification of the EMI Professional Development Program offered by the NSYSU Resource Center for Bilingual Education (one certification per event attended). We cordially invite you to join us!

 Event Information

Date and Time: 9:20-15:50, Monday, Jun. 24, 2024

VenueClassroom 203, Ren-Yan Bldg., Feng Chia University (No. 100, Wenhwa Rd., Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407102)



議程 Agenda

Sign up: 9:20-9:50

Opening: 9:50-10:00


Session 1: 10:00~11:30

Speaker: David Kim, FSE EMI Advisor, Fulbright Taiwan

Topic: Sharing Experiences with English as a Medium of Instruction in and out of the Classroom


Session 2: 12:30~14:00

Speaker: Yu-Ya Lin (林渝亞), Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, NSYSU

Topic: Using Seesaw to Empower Your EMI Classes

*NOTE: Bringing a laptop or tablet is recommended


Session 3: 14:20~15:50

Speaker: May-Ru Chen (陳美如), Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, NSYSU

Topic: My Experiences with EMI Teacher Training


Contact Person:

Mr. Louis Wei (魏至遠先生) , 07-5252000 #2171; Email: