113.10.11 (五) EMI高階增能工作坊:觀課不是打分數

Date: Friday, October 11, 2024 (14:00-16:00)
Venue: SW1007, 10F of Info-Library Building, NSYSU
Speaker: 沈尚玉 Dr. Shang-yu Sheng
                 Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, NSYSU
                 Director, Teaching and Learning Development and Resources Center, NSYSU
Topic: 觀課不是打分數  Developing a Reflective Peer Observation Practice
Event Description: In recent years, classroom observations have been incorporated into teacher evaluation and promotion processes at many universities in Taiwan. Fortunately, at least at NSYSU, they are meant to encourage faculty professional development rather than serve an evaluative role. In this workshop, we will discuss the differences between developmental and managerial (judgmental) approaches to peer classroom observations. Together we will reflect on how it feels to open our classroom to a fellow teacher, and vice versa, how to join the classroom of another teacher in the most unobtrusive way. Most importantly, we will explore how, in a research university, the practice of peer observation may help make teaching a more purposeful and pleasant task.

Registration: https://reurl.cc/8XYEjg